CD and DVD Transfers

CDRs and DVDRs were once an economical medium to back up audio, video and data. But can suffer from damage to either side: data rot on the bottom of the disk and foil tears at the top of the disk. The foil on recordable disks on the label side can sometimes deteriorate, leaving the disk to be unreadable. Let us archive your writable optical disks before this happens. It is best to get them backed up to a hard drive or flash storage as soon as possible.

We will catalog and document each disk to make it easy to find and access your entire archive.

Compact Disc (CD)


We can "rip" or convert audio CDs to .wav, mp3, or flac for storage on flash or hard drive. We can even archive CD-ROM data and get apps working for you in their native operating systems under emulation, including but not limited to MS DOS, Classic Mac, Mac OSX, Amiga, and sampler CD-ROMs.


We can archive any material from DVD such as video, data backup for Mac or Windows for archival on hard drive or flash memory. Video can be converted to formats like .aiv, .mp4, .m4v, .wmv, or .mov.

Contact us today

Why Choose Deep Signal Studios?

  • File conversion work and tape transfers can be tedious and frustrating. Your time as an artist is better spent working on your music and mixes on a platform you know.
  • All work is completed by certified engineers with over 20 years experience with DAWs, MIDI sequencers, notation software, synthesizers, samplers, and tape machines. We have comprehensive knowledge about everything that has come and gone, as well as all current and emerging platforms.
  • Services are performed by native English speakers in the recording capital of the world, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Your files are secure. All work is performed in-house and in strict confidentiality. Client files are archived for 30-days upon completion of the project, and promptly destroyed thereafter.