Encore .ENC and MusicTime .MUS to MIDI File Conversion

We can convert MusicTime .MUS and Encore .ENC files to a format that can be opened in other score programs or DAW/MIDI sequencer. ESPECIALLY .MUS and .ENC files from the late 80s/early 90s that DO NOT open in the current version of Encore or fail in online conversion tools. While MusicTime 1 and possibly later versions used the .mus file extension they are actually not the same type of file used in subsequent versions of MusicTime.

Encore, MusicTime, and MusicTime Deluxe File ConversionEncore for Windows was able to open MusicTime and MusicTime Deluxe for Windows files while Encore for Mac was able to open MusicTime and MusicTime Deluxe Mac files. There was cross compatibility between Mac and Windows Encore files but that was not the case with MusicTime.

There have actually been multiple versions of these types of files, however Passport continued to use the same file extensions, defying the normal user expectation. This has frustrated many composers seeking to open their older compositions. We have cracked the code and we are able to open all types of Encore and MusicTime files to standard midi files or newer Encore files.

Let us know which program you plan to use your composition files with, and we will convert the file ensuring maximum compatibility. We can convert and deliver your file as PDFs of the notation, Overture, Forte, Capella, Finale, Sibelius, or any other DAW or MIDI sequencer file format you wish. Contact us today for a quote to convert your Encore or MusicTime Deluxe files.

Originally developed in the mid 1980s, Encore by GVOX (now distributed by Passport Music Software) is the company's flagship scorewriter for Mac and Windows. MusicTime and MusicTime Deluxe were consider the "light" version of Encore. Comparing the two, Encore boasts a richer feature set including support for score templates, more staves per page, and extensive staff tools. MusicTime and MusicTime Deluxe files for Windows can be identified by the file extension .MUS, while Encore files will have a .ENC extension.

MusicTime 2 for Mac splash screen

Encore 4.1.2 for Mac splash screen

Encore 4.5 for Mac splash screen