Arturia MicroBrute
The Arturia MicroBrute is a monophonic analog manual (no patch memory) midi keyboard synthesizer from 2014. It has a voltage controlled oscillator that (VCO) allows you to mix in any amount of sawtooth, pulse and triangle waveforms along with a sub oscillator. Ultra Saw and Metalizer controls add some unique sound character. The Steiner-Parker Filter is a beefy voltage controlled filter with low pass, high pass and band pass modes. The resonance can be pushed into self-oscillation and can process external sound sources. Connecting some of the modulation sources and destinations can be done with stackable patch cables. You can also use it to connect with external like modular synthesizers. There is memory for 8 sequences with up to 64 steps each. The ADSR envelope generator allows for quick attacks or extra-long release times. The Syncable LFO supplies three waveforms and can run in sync with the Sequencer. Our MicroBrute is the turquoise Special Edition version. Watch a demo here.