Atari 2600 with Synthcart and MIDI 2600 MIDI interface

Synthcart is a cartridge for the Atari 2600 developed by Paul Slocum that allows you to play tones through the controller ports. Highly Liquid’s Midi 2600 is a midi interface that connects to these controller ports allowing you to trigger note playback of Synthcart. Our Atari 2600 Jr has been modified with an unbalanced audio output via a 1/4 inch jack. Due to limitations of the sound chips there are only about 16 notes available and they are not all chromatic. Using a combination of the A and B difficulty switches and the color/B&W switches it is possible to access a number of tones such as noise, square, bass, engine (think Pole Position) saw and “pitfall” which is a very distinct waveform you may recognize from the Activision game Pitfall. There are also 5 beats that can be triggered which are not programmable and cannot have their tempo adjusted. The midi channel can be set via a series of dip switches. Watch a demo here.

Atari 2600 with Synthcart and HighlyLiquid MIDI interface
Type of unit
Video Game Console Synthesizer
Synthesis Technology
Simple sound chip
External control
Parts Capability
Monotimbral (1 Part)
Patch memory
Decade of creation