MuseScore is a widely used music score writer for Mac and Windows. MuseScore was originally forked from the Linux-based MusE sequencer, and was refined into a stand-alone notation program in the early 2000s. The feature set is similar to the popular score writing programs Finale and Sibelius.
Just as with many other score writing programs and sequencers, MuseScore users may run into situations where they would like to open their scores in another program. It may be for a collaboration, or simply moving on to software like Finale or Sibelius.
There are different ways to handle the conversion, depending on which program you would like to use with the file. Let us know which program you plan to open your MuseScore composition with, and we will convert the file ensuring maximum compatibility. We can convert and deliver your file in Overture, Encore, Finale, Capella, Sibelius, Pro Tools, Digital Performer, Ableton Live, GarageBand, Logic, Cubase, Reaper, Sonar or any other DAW or MIDI sequencer file format you wish. Contact us today for a quote to convert your MuseScore files.