Opcode Musicshop sequence file to standard midi file

Opcode Musicshop brought musical ideas to life with unprecedented ease of use and power to 68k and PPC Macs. Current from 1996 to the end of Opcode in 1999, Musicshop featured 32 instrument tracks, punch in-out recording, automated mixdowns, notation or piano roll viewing and familiar tape deck style controls. Unlike its predecessor, EZVision, Musicshop had a music notation view along with the classic graphic editor or piano-scroll view. It provided full drag-and-drop editing capabilities. The Graphic Editing window would allow user to grab any MIDI note to lengthen its duration, change its start time, or pitch. It was often sold with Roland and Emu General Midi sound modules with built-in midi interfaces that would connect to the Mac modem or printer port or along with a Midi Translator II interface.

Musicshop sapp icon Musicshop sequence file icon

We can convert Musicshop midi sequences to standard midi files. We can export individual sequences as a midi file or just the arrangement/subsequence (changing together sequences A to Z) if you created one.

Musicshop screen shot and splash screen