Sega Genesis/Mega Drive with GenMDM MIDI interface
GenMDM is a 10 part multitimbral synth system using the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive video game console, using a cartridge and midi interface that connects to the controller port. It utilizes utilized 5 monophonic Yamaha YM2612 FM chip voices, a sample/noise voice, and four SN76489 PSG chip voices. GenMDM was developed by chip tune artist and electronic engineer Sebastian Tomczak aka little-scale from 2008 to 2013 and sold in limited quantities. Later Catskull Electronics founder David DeGraw started producing them since the design and code was made available as open source. It was made famous in a series of videos by YouTuber LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER in 2019.
The YM2612 FM voices are similar to a lo-fi Yamaha FM synth voice like the FB-01, TX-81Z, or DX7. Each voice can have it’s own algorithm, feedback, envelope, LFO and pitch control. The division setting makes it possible to use as a microtonal synth. The SN76489 PSG chip on the other hand is only able to produce a generic tone.